
Monday, November 5, 2012


Price in usd
Price in Pkr
6 ML
$ 3
rupees 300
12 ML
$ 6
rupees  630
25 ML
$ 11
rupees  1000
50 ML
$ 19
rupees  1800
100 ML
$ 34
rupees  3400
300 ML
$ 105
rupees  10000
500 ML
$ 170
rupees  16200
1000 ML
$ 360
rupees  35000

Assalam oalaikum,

Rose water is used for sacred and festive occasions in Arabia.  It is used to scent the Yamani corner of Ka’ba.
Rose ittar was also preferred by the Saints of the Islamic world.
The ittar made from the rose is widely used in the cosmetic and perfumery industry also.
The rose attar contains a rich, strong, refreshing and pleasant smell of the rose flower. The classic rose attar is widely used in the aromatherapy treatment because it can create a positive, uplifting effect on the physical, spiritual and mental levels of our being.

The rose attar is said to provide the following benefits:
It purifies the liver
Relieves headaches
Improves blood circulation
Strengthens immunity
Relieves shock
Cures insomnia and fatigue
Strengthens the nervous system
It cures melancholy
 Rose petals can regulate cholesterol levels

The valley of Taif, near Jeddah, is popular for its rose attar and rose water. The rose water from Taif is used during the Ghusl ceremony of the Ka’aba.
By and large, the rose attar holds a special importance in the Islamic world. Besides this, it has a plethora of uses in the beauty industry and also has much medicinal value.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Price in usd
Price in Pkr
3 ML$ 3rupees  300
6 ML
$ 7
rupees  700
12 ML
$ 13
rupees  1300
25 ML
$ 25
rupees  2400
50 ML
$ 43
rupees  4200
100 ML
$ 84
rupees  8200
300 ML
$ 235
rupees  23500
500 ML
$ 410
rupees  40000
1000 ML
$ 779
rupees  77000

Attars can be divided into 2 broad groups, namely the floral and the herbal/spicy attars. The floral attars are the ones which are produced from a single species of flowers, such as Gulab, Chameli, Kewra etc
On the other hand we have the herbal and spicy attars which are produced by combining certain flowers, spices and herbs, such as Hina and its various types such as Shamama-tul amber, Musk Hina and Musk Amber.
The Shamamatul-amber attar is traditional Indian attar which has a rich, earthy and natural aroma. It is produced by the hydro-distillation process of Agarwood, saffron and various rare spices and herbs.
 Shamama-tul amber attar has many uses in the industry:
This attar is used during the cold season because it creates a warm effect on the body.
Owing to its rich aroma it is widely used in exotic skin care formulations.
Due to its rich, earthy aroma it is in much demand in the aromatherapy based applications

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Price in usd
Price in Pkr
3 ML
$ 3.5
rupees 330
6 ML
$ 8
rupees  740
12 ML
$ 15
rupees  1500
25 ML
$ 26
rupees  2600
50 ML
$ 50
rupees  4900
100 ML
$ 92
rupees  9200
300 ML
$ 265
rupees  26000
500 ML
$ 450
rupees  44000
1000 ML
$ 820
rupees  80000

Assalam oalaikum,

The agarwood ittar is also known by several other names such as agar, oud and oodh, aloeswood, eaglewood etc. It is one of the most valuable ittar found in the world. Prophet Mohammad (saw) used to burn agarwood along with camphor.
With a dark brown color and a woody, masculine scent the agarwood comes from trees which largely grow in the South-west Asian region. The best quality agarwood comes from those trees which have been damaged or which are dead since decades or even centuries.
The oil derived from the agarwood tree has a strong earthy and musky aroma.
The agarwood oil is used as an ittar, incense and medicine.
Mufaddal bin Adil Barakat, the prince from Yemen and Ibn Sinnan (ra) have both highlighted the therapeutic properties of agarwood. 
Its fragrance soothes the mind
It can heal the problem of bed-wetting
It sharpens the senses 
It heals depression, anxiety, heart disease, palpitations, body ache etc to name just a few.
The divine ittar of agarwood has inspired many poets and they have mentioned about it in their poems.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Price in usd
Price in Pkr
3 ML
$ 3.5rupees  330
6 ML
$ 7
rupees  770
12 ML
$ 13
rupees  1300
25 ML
$ 25
rupees  2400
50 ML
$ 43
rupees  4200
100 ML
$ 84
rupees  8200
300 ML
$ 235
rupees  23500
500 ML
$ 410
rupees  40000
1000 ML
$ 779
rupees  77000

Assalam oalaikum,

Musk is quite special amongst the ittars as it finds its mention in the Holy Quran as well as in the ahadith. Prophet Mohammad (saw) was very fond of musk. He used to apply a generous amount of musk on Fridays. The delightful Musk ittar is produced by a rare species of deer, which is found in the Himalayas. Musk occurs in a hairy pouch called the Musk gland in the male deer’s abdomen. It has a potent smell and has several medicinal uses. It is also used in toffees or eaten directly- one grain at a time.

The musk ittar has a therapeutic effect and it can heal various disorders such as dizziness, heart palpitations, shivering and general weakness and internal health disorders. If can bring comfort when massaged onto an aching body part. When musk is sniffed it brings joy to one’s heart and strengthens the internal organs. It also acts as an antidote to certain poisons and can help against snake bite. In a nutshell, using musk ittar has numerous benefits due to which it has been given so much importance in religious texts.  

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

Friday, November 2, 2012


Assalam oalikum,

The Bakul attar is prepared from a flowering tree which grows along the western coast of India and is called Bakula (Botanical name is Mimuspod Elengi). The Bakul flower is also called the garland flower and it is considered to be a sacred tree in India. The Bakul flower blooms from March to August.

The Bakul attar has a long-lasting fragrance. The attar is produced from the star-shaped Bakul flowers by the process of steam distillation.
This attar is much sought after due to its soft, floral aroma.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalikum,

This attar is extracted from the Rajnigandha flowers by the steam distillation process and it has a sweet, exotic, spicy and floral aroma.

Rajnigandha flower blooms at night and is native to Mexico. It is a perennial flower and is also quite popular in the Indian culture. It is used during marriage ceremonies and for adornment due to its exotic, floral aroma. The Rajnigandha attar is an exquisite blend of the fragrant flowers and pure Sandalwood oil, which is used as a base.

The Rajnigandha attar is widely used in ceremonies due to its pure and refreshing fragrance. It is also used to manufacture essential oils, cosmetic products and perfumery.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalikum,

The Genda attar is prepared from the Marigold flowers which have a beautiful, refreshing fragrance. Garlands made Marigold flowers are quite common in the Indian tradition. They are used for adornment during marriage ceremonies and on other special occasions.

This attar is used during meditation and yoga sessions because it stimulates deep, long breathing. It also has a calming effect on the mind and brings about emotional well-being due to its fortifying and inspiring effect.
Scientific research shows that the Marigold flower has anti-microbial properties.
The extracted oil has a wide range of uses. It is used for cleansing the air when it is used in aromatherapy diffusers. Besides this the essential oil is used in cosmetics and in Aromatherapy products because it brings about a soothing and refreshing effect on the mind and body. Last but not the least it is used as attar.

Amel soname contact

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalikum,

The name of this attar has been derived from the Arabic word Jannat-ul- Firdaus. Jannat means the Paradise whereas Firdaus means garden. Hence, the meaning of Jannat-ul Firdaus is the fragrance of the Garden of Paradise. 
This unique attar has a wild and musky aroma which creates a mesmerizing effect on one’s mind.
This attar is extracted from the flowers of the plant family known as Myrtle. This attar is a unique blend of flower extracts and some essential oils such as Sandalwood, patchouli and amber, which are combined with exotic flowers, herbs and spices to prepare this wonderful attar.
Like most of the multi-purpose attars Jannat-ul Firdaus too has anti-bacterial properties apart from its mesmerizing fragrance.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalikum,

Frangipani is a pale yellow colored flower and its botanical name is Plumieria. The flower has been named after the famous 17th century botanist Charles Plumier.
Frangipani attar has a beautiful fragrance which is similar to the Pomelo blossoms and citrus fruits.
Frangipani attar blends well with Sandalwood oil. 

This pure and natural attar has a calming and soothing effect on one’s mind. Owing to these wonderful properties it is widely used in massages and in Aromatherapy based products.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

Etymologically speaking, the word attar or ittar finds its origin from an Arabic word, which means aroma.  This is believed to be derived from a Persian word ‘atr’ which means fragrance.

The history of ittar is quite ancient as it has been popular in the Middle East, India and Iran since thousands of years.
Ittar can be described as the most natural, alcohol-free fragrances in the world. The divine scents of ittar oil are obtained from the natural aromatic plants through a process of condensing vapors directly into a sandalwood oil base.

The land of Arabia has been traditionally famous for its fragrances and these have been mentioned in the Holy Quran too.
Allah (swt) shall grant the believers in Heaven with “the choicest sealed wine, whose seal is musk-mixed with Tasnim”. (TMQ-Surat-al-Mutaffifin, verse 25-27).
This verse reflects the importance ittar is Islam.
The musk which finds its mention in the Holy Quran is used by hakims to prepare traditional medicines. Spiritual healers also use musk for spiritual as well as physical healing.

In his book, ‘Natural healing with the medicine of the Prophet’ (saw), the scholar, sufi and scientist, Ibn-Qayyim –al Jawaziyah has described musk as the king of all the perfumes and the most precious perfume. He states in his book that musk pleases the spirit, it strengthens the body’s internal organs, it is useful for the elderly during winters; it helps to abate irregular heart beats and also heals snake bites.
The scientific development in today’s modern world has helped to establish the medicinal as well as spiritual benefits of ittar. Ittar is akin to a fuel for the soul which helps the body to generate different kinds of energies.
No doubt ittars hold so much importance in Islam.

Amel soname contact

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

If an ittar (musk) finds its mention in a Heavenly Book, i.e. the Quran, the ahadith cannot be far behind.
Islam has given a high priority to cleanliness and it encourages a clean environment without which the daily rituals such as Salaat cannot be performed. Ittar being pure and natural helps in making the environment conducive for prayers, meditation etc.
The followers of Islam are supposed to emulate the life of our Dear Prophet (saw) in every respect and using ittar is one of them. Prophet Mohammad (saw) was very fond of ittars and this fact is evident by his following saying: ‘The best of perfumes is musk’. (Sahih Muslim).

Using ittar is one of the Sunnahs of Fridays besides wearing one’s best clothes, miswak, ghusl etc.

Here are some ahadith which give us a fair idea about the fact that ittars were an integral part of Huzur Paak’s (saw) life:

Narrated Anas bin Malik, ‘The Prophet (saw) had a sukkah /container from which he used to apply taib (ittar, musk oil etc)’. (Sunan Abu Dawud/Vol.4, hadith-4162/ Hadith Saheeh)
Narrated Thumama bin Abdullah, ‘Anas (ra) never used to refuse taib (ittar, oil fragrances, musk oils and perfume oils) and he used to say that Prophet Mohammad (saw) never refused (a gift of) scent. (Sahih Bukhari,volume 7, hadith # 5929)
Narrated Salman al Farisi that Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, ‘If a man takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself thoroughly, uses oil and ittar which is available in his house, sets forth for the mosque, does not sit forcibly between two people, offers the prayer that is prescribed for him and listens to the Imam silently, his sins between the present Friday and the one earlier will be forgiven. (Riyad-us-Saliheen/V1/H #828/Hadith Sahih)  
Narrat Hazrat Ayesha (ra) said, ‘I used to scent Allah’s Apostle (saw) with the best ittar available till I saw the shine of the ittar on his head and beard.’ (Sahih Bukhari,volume 7, hadith # 5923)

Ittars are used extensively in the Islamic world on different occasions such as Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Zoha and Friday Salaah.

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

Prophet Mohammad (saw) has described the beauty of the Heaven as follows:
“(It is built of) one brick of gold and the other brick of silver, its mortar is of strongly scented musk, its stones are pearls and emeralds and its soil is of saffron”. (At-Tirmidhi, Musnad) 

‘The rivers of the Garden spring from mountains or hills of musk’. (Mukhtasar Tadhkirah-al-Qurtubi, p.305/50)

The above mentioned ahadith show that ittars (musk) are not only a gift from Allah (swt) in this world but shall also be rewarded to those who obey Allah (swt) in the life hereafter, in Paradise. Ittars, being natural and pure, find their mention in the Holy Quran as well as in ahadith.
However, the perfumes, which are extensively used in the western world, are not fit to be used by the followers of Islam due to the presence of alcohol, which makes them najis. Besides this factor, there are hordes of other reasons which make perfumes unfit to be used by anybody in a general sense. Here are some of them:

The synthetic commercial perfumes are made up of harsh chemicals. Research shows perfumes are composed of almost 95% of chemicals that are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They can cause side-effects such as cancer, central nervous system disorders, birth defects and allergies.
Phthalates, which are used to make the perfumes last longer are also hazardous. They can lead to cancer and reduce sperm count in males.
The perfume formulas can cause allergies such as contact dermatitis and can also lead to asthma.

Ironically, despite these risks of skin problems, lung diseases, neurotoxicity and many other serious health hazards, perfumes are widely used in the western world because they cost considerably less then their natural counterparts.

Ittars are much more superior to perfumes owing to their following characteristics:
Ittars have a much longer shelf-life than the synthetic perfumes and they even tend to smell better as they age.
Ittars being natural, pure and concentrated can be applied directly on the skin. A tiny drop can be dabbed on the body for a strong, divine fragrance.
When applied, the ittars being derived from natural sources linger on till a long time. On the other hand, the perfumes evaporate quickly due to the presence of alcohol, which is commonly used as a solvent. 

The above mentioned facts about ittars and perfumes prove that perfumes should be avoided due to the health risks. Moreover, its alcohol contents, makes it najis, from the Islamic viewpoint. 

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

Amber ittar has a rich, soothing and stimulating aroma. It is derived from the fossilized sap of a huge pine tree (botanical name: pinus succinifera)
The sap of this tree can be millennium of years old. The method of extracting the ittar from the sap is by striking on it. The other method involves grinding the amber stones and then heating them to extract the ittar/essence. The second method produces ittar which is quite effective in healing though the method is cumbersome.
The plethora of benefits which these ancient trees might have had can be still found in the fossilized amber. Due to these medicinal benefits many hakims use the amber oil for healing purpose.
Amber ittar, if inhaled, heals migraines and headaches. It is a cure for cold symptoms. Amber can be used to cure facial paralysis and stomach ailments. Besides this, it can strengthen internal organs such as the brain and limbs.  

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

Sandalwood is a fragrant wood which is being used since almost 4000 years back. It has an exotic, rich, woody fragrance which lingers for long periods of time.  Sandalwood incense is widely used in the traditional as well as modern formulas of Japanese incense. Sandalwood was used for embalming the mummies by the Egyptians.
Due to the calming effect, sandalwood incense is widely used while meditation. The ittar is extracted from the fragrant woods. The sandalwood oil is used to heal depression, mental exhaustion and anxiety. Sandalwood oil is used as a base or fixative while making natural attars. During the distillation process, the aroma of sandalwood evaporates whereas the oil absorbs the aroma of the individual flower.
The sandalwood offers plenty of therapeutic benefits, such as:
It acts as a digestive muscle relaxant
It is used for curing genital-urinary infections
If applied on the throat and chest it can heal dry cough.
It can stop vomiting.
It can cure traveling sickness
Owing to its unique characteristics and useful properties, sandalwood has a great demand in the international market

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If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,
Jasmin is known by different names throughout the world. For example it is popular as Nisrin in Arabia, as Jasmine in the western countries and as Yasmin in Persian. Jasmin ittar was the favored choice of the Muslim mystics of Central Asia.
Purely refined Jasmine flowers are used for extracting the sweetly scented, mystifying and powerful Jasmine attar. Since the Jasmine attar is a powerful aphrodisiac, the men get attracted towards women who use this attar like a moth towards flame.

The Popular Jasmine attar has the following benefits:
It is soothing and anti-depressant
It helps to induce sleep
It is a potent aphrodisiac.
Jasmine extracts can cure stress, hyper-tension and skin disorders.
It can uplift one’s mood

The Jasmine tea is popular in China since ancient times. Jasmine was popular amongst several monarchs of the world as well as Cleopatra.
The essential oil extracted from the Jasmine flower is widely used in aromatherapy and other holistic therapies.  

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Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,
 The hina attar is derived from the mehndi flower through a process of hydro-distillation. Its botanical name is Lawsonia Alba and it has a rich, warm and spicy fragrance.
The hina attar can be used by both men and women and due to its purity it is also used in aromatherapy.
The following ahadith hint at the importance and healing properties of the wonderful hina plant:
Narrated Imam Tirmidhi and (ra) and Imam Baihaqi (ra) in Sahih: ‘That Prophet Mohammad (saw) never suffered from a wound or thorn without applying hina to it’
Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, ‘Hina blossom is the best of the aromatic plants of this world and hereafter’ (Baihaqi)
In a tradition of Imam Bukhari (ra) Sahih a man once came to Prophet Mohammad (saw) and complained of leg cramps. Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, Dye them with hina’

Apart from its delightful aroma, the hina plant provides a plethora of medicinal benefits. It can heal burns, insomnia, small pox, mouth ulcers, skin pimples, itching, skin blisters etc.
Owing to its multiple benefits, it finds its mention in the sacred Islamic text, i.e. the ahadith 

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,
This rare and precious attar is extracted from the stigmas of the crocus sativus flower. It has a rich and exotic aroma. Saffron/zafran attar is a blend of saffron and sandalwood oil. It is extracted by distilling saffron into a sandalwood oil base. 
Apart from its rich fragrance saffron attar has many health benefits due to which it has been used by hakims since eons. It is also being used by medical practitioners in herbal formulations and ayurvedic medicines since centuries.
Saffron is also used to write taweez and ruqya by the amils and scholars of the Islamic world for curing spiritual and physical ailments. 
Saffron attar regulates menstrual disorders, aids the functioning of the stomach, cures cough and bronchitis and is an anti-depressant. It also heals insomnia, alleviates stomach pain and headaches and calms down the infants during teething fits. It also helps to release gas accumulating in the digestive tract and is anti-spasmodic.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 


Assalam oalaikum,

The aroma of the Kewda flower is similar to that of moist musk. The Kewda flower grows on a small plant which is found in the wild coastal regions. It has a beautiful color and a honey like aroma balanced by the warm sandalwood oil. Due to its exotic aroma it was the preferred choice of the Mughal Emperors. 

The Kewda attar is extracted from the flower through the process of steam distillation. Owing to its sweet smell the Kewda attar is widely used in the aromatherapy based formulations as well as in the beauty industry (skin care products). The Kewda attar has a refreshing aroma and is used as a base for other perfumery products and as a flavoring agent also.

Like other natural and pure attars the Kewda attar also provides certain health benefits such as helping those who suffer from insomnia and providing strength to the heart and the mind

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

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